Awesome Back to School Lunch Supplies

drawer full of lunch making suppliesPlease don’t judge… I know I Might Have a Problem. Every time I see a new lunch cutter, or bento box….I just must buy it!

I have had several requests in the past couple months to post about the tools I use to make my lunches. The bottom draw of my kitchen island lunch making station.

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 Awesome Back to School Lunch Suppliesdrawer full of lunch making supplies

  1. Lunch Punches
  2. Silicone cups
  3. FunBites
  4. Egg molds (great for sandwich balls )
  5. Mini alphabet cutters
  6. Mini shape cutters
  7. decorative animal cups
  8. MORE mini cutters
  9. decorative picks
  10. Mini silicone cups
  11. nori cutters

Next drawer, more goodies!

  1. random cookie cutters I used the most.
  2. Lunch Bot
  3. Goodbyn
  4. square and circle lock’n’lock boxes
  5. Planetbox
  6. small bentos: All Things For Sale.
  7. Rice molds, small cutter and sauce containers
  8. Easy Lunchboxes
  9. Smart Planet boxes
  10. Laptop Lunch box
  11.  Reuse Boxdrawer full of lunch making supplies

Well… there you have it! These are some of the supplies behind the lunch making magic here at Family Fresh Meals.

I linked up some of the products to where I bought them, in case you are interested in adding to your collection. I hope you enjoyed the post! Let me know if you have any questions!
XO Corey

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  1. LOL It’s OK. Such cute stuff! Do your kids ever just throw the lunch picks out? And I’m curious – if you could only have ONE lunchbox/Bento container, what would you choose and why? I’ve only started my journey with Bento, but the kids are enjoying my simple ones. (We’ll be doing them more often in the warmer months though.)

    1. Man oh man… that is a difficult question… I can only pick ONE! I guess it really depends on your situation. Hands down, the Easy Lunchboxes are a great value, sturdy, both adults and kids can use them, and great dividing sections.
      The Planetbox is pretty costly, but if you have a child who hates food touching, this one would be a must. The dividers are nicely organized for a section of fruit, veggies, grain, main dish, etc…
      The Lock & Locks are not too expensive, and are great for small lunches.
      So, it really depends on what YOUR situation is. I have 2 children, so instead of buying 2 boxes, I will buy one, see if it is a hit, and then get more. If you are just starting off, you can get a set of 4 Easy Lunchboxes for just under 14 bucks. So I would say that is a good place to start…most bang for your buck 🙂 I hope that helps!

    2. PS… Ludicrous Mama posted below about picks and muffin cups. My girls do not eat lunch at school yet (still in preschool) so I have not had that problem yet. Ludicrous Mama has some great tips 🙂

    3. Thanks for your reply! I was leaning towards Easy Lunchboxes, but I love the look of stainless for the Planetboxes. (If only the Planetboxes weren’t so expensive! LOL) I like that the Easy Lunchboxes have 4 colors since there are 4 of us. I color-coordinate! LOL

  2. Holy crap! You make me feel a little less CRAZY 🙂 I still have to get mine posted. I like how you organized your post.

  3. Awesome Corey! It’s amazing how addicting these cute little supplies are. I love your stash and your organization – looks great!